On 20 November 2017, the first National Food Waste Summit was convened by the Australian Government. The summit commenced with the Minister for the Environment and Energy launching the National Food Waste Strategy which detailed Australia's commitment to halving food waste by 2030. 


Held in Brisbane the second National Food Waste Summit in 2022 showcased work from the End Food Waste Australia team, our partners, and Signatories of the Australian Food Pact, as well as world-leading research from the End Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre. Attended by over 250 delegates and with exhibitors from across the food waste, loss and sustainability sector the 2022 Summit was a milestone event in the path to halving food waste by 2030. 


Back for the third time, this year’s National Food Waste Summit and Trade Show will again bring together delegates and exhibitors from across the food industry, government, NGO and research sectors as we work to create a more productive, sustainable and resilient Australian food system by ending food waste and food insecurity.

The momentum is growing and there’s no time to waste. If you are fighting food waste and want to increase your impact, or you’re ready to get started, the National Food Waste Summit will connect you with the people and actions required to make real economic, environmental and social impact.

The National Food Waste Summit and Trade Show is a milestone event in Australia’s journey to halve its food waste by 2030. Leading international and national experts will join attendees from across industry, research and government to explore the collaborative planning, strategy and action required to meet this country’s challenging – but achievable – food waste reduction goal.

Why reduce food waste? 


On 27 November 2023 the Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre (FFWCRC) and Stop Food Waste Australia (SFWA) proudly unveiled their new unified brand: End Food Waste Australia (EFWA). This strategic rebrand marks a pivotal moment in the fight against food waste, solidifying five years of dedication and progress towards Australia’s goal of halving food waste by 2030, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12.3. 

Since its inception, FFWCRC and SFWA have fostered unprecedented collaborations with more than 100 industry, government, and research partners. This monumental public-private partnership has driven Australia's most extensive research on consumer food waste behaviours, pioneered transformative technologies for repurposing unavoidable food waste, established evidence-based food waste reduction best practices, and led collaborative industry food waste action through the Australian Food Pact. 

End Food Waste Australia's vision is an Australia without food waste, starting with halving food waste by 2030. We will end food waste in Australia through research and innovation, industry action, policy development and behaviour change. 

We conduct world-leading research through the End Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre, funded by the Australian Government's Department of Industry, Science and Resources. We lead bold and innovative industry action and collaboration through the Australian Food Pact and Sector Action Plans, supported by the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. 

End Food Waste Australia has formed one of the world's largest dedicated public-private partnerships of more than 100 organisations focused on addressing Australia's $36.6 billion food waste challenge. Together, we aim to create a more productive, sustainable, and resilient Australian food system by ending food waste and food insecurity. 

The National Food Waste Summit is hosted by End Food Waste Australia, and is proudly brought to you by our event managers at Big Fish Events.

If you have questions about the National Food Waste Summit, or would like to get involved, please contact the End Food Waste Australia team via events@bigfishevents.com.au as our appointed Conference Manager.

Follow us on social media for more news and updates.